A poem by Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
Thou art my God, sole object of my love;
Not for the hope of endless joys above;
Nor for the fear of endless pains below,
Which they who love thee not must undergo.
For me, and such as me, thou deign’st to bear
An ignominious cross, the nails, the spear:
A thorny crown transpierc’d thy sacred brow,
While bloody sweats from ev’ry member flow.
For me in tortures thou resignd’st thy breath,
Embrac’d me on the cross, and sav’d me by thy death.
And can these sufferings fail my heart to move?
What but thyself can now deserve my love?
Such as then was, and is, thy love to me,
Such is, and shall be still, my love to thee –
To thee, Redeemer! mercy’s sacred spring!
My God, my Father, Maker, and my King!
A few random poems:
- Юрий Левитанский – Диалог у новогодней елки
- Владимир Маяковский – Уймется Антанта… (РОСТА №571)
- Fears In Solitude by Samuel Coleridge
- The Perfect Sacrifice by William Cowper
- Федор Тютчев – Как ни бесилося злоречье
- The Pike poem – Amy Lowell poems | Poems and Poetry
- Юрий Галансков – Он к нам придёт
- Вера Павлова – Они влюблены и счастливы
- Sonnet 12
- Bury Me In My Shades by Shel Silverstein
- The Power of Armies is a Visible Thing by William Wordsworth
- Владимир Высоцкий – Вратарь (Льву Яшину)
- Владимир Набоков – Скитальцы
- Obligation poem – Amy Lowell poems | Poems and Poetry
- Song At Capri by Sara Teasdale
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Apollo And The Graces poem – John Keats poems
- Answer To A Sonnet By J.H.Reynolds poem – John Keats poems
- An Extempore poem – John Keats poems
- Acrostic : Georgiana Augusta Keats poem – John Keats poems
- A Song About Myself poem – John Keats poems
- A Prophecy: To George Keats In America poem – John Keats poems
- A Party Of Lovers poem – John Keats poems
- A Galloway Song poem – John Keats poems
- A Dream, After Reading Dante’s Episode Of Paolo And Francesca poem – John Keats poems
- A Draught Of Sunshine poem – John Keats poems
- Written On The Day That Mr Leigh Hunt Left Prison poem – John Keats poems
- Written On A Summer Evening poem – John Keats poems
- Written On A Blank Space At The End Of Chaucer’s Tale Of The Flowre And The Lefe poem – John Keats poems
- Written Before Re-Reading King Lear poem – John Keats poems
- Why Did I Laugh Tonight? No Voice Will Tell poem – John Keats poems
- Where’s the Poet? poem – John Keats poems
- Where Be Ye Going, You Devon Maid? poem – John Keats poems
- When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be poem – John Keats poems
- To The Nile poem – John Keats poems
- To Solitude poem – John Keats poems
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