A poem by Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
Thou art my God, sole object of my love;
Not for the hope of endless joys above;
Nor for the fear of endless pains below,
Which they who love thee not must undergo.
For me, and such as me, thou deign’st to bear
An ignominious cross, the nails, the spear:
A thorny crown transpierc’d thy sacred brow,
While bloody sweats from ev’ry member flow.
For me in tortures thou resignd’st thy breath,
Embrac’d me on the cross, and sav’d me by thy death.
And can these sufferings fail my heart to move?
What but thyself can now deserve my love?
Such as then was, and is, thy love to me,
Such is, and shall be still, my love to thee –
To thee, Redeemer! mercy’s sacred spring!
My God, my Father, Maker, and my King!
A few random poems:
- Robert Burns: Love For Love:
- Poem by Murali Sivaramakrishnan
- In Memoriam A. H. H.: 78. Again at Christmas did we weave poem – Lord Alfred Tennyson poems
- Passing Time by Maya Angelou
- Epitaph on John Rankine by Robert Burns
- Stir in Stillness by Shruti Talnikar
- Isabella; Or, The Pot Of Basil: A Story From Boccaccio poem – John Keats poems
- Sonnet CXLVIII by William Shakespeare
- Владимир Высоцкий – Песенка о слухах
- days of quiet by Raj Arumugam
- The Meaning of Music by Mercedes Madrigal
- The Sick Stockrider
- The Childless Father by William Wordsworth
- Федор Сологуб – Лихо
- Юргис Балтрушайтис – Тополь
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Sonnet 08 poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 07 poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 06 poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 05 poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 04 poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 03: Canzone poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 03 poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 02 poem – John Milton poems
- Sonnet 01 poem – John Milton poems
- Song On May Morning poem – John Milton poems
- Samson Agonistes poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 88 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 87 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 86 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 85 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 84 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 83 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 82 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 81 poem – John Milton poems
- Psalm 80 poem – John Milton poems
More external links (open in a new tab):
Doska or the Board – write anything
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Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works