A poem by Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
Thou art my God, sole object of my love;
Not for the hope of endless joys above;
Nor for the fear of endless pains below,
Which they who love thee not must undergo.
For me, and such as me, thou deign’st to bear
An ignominious cross, the nails, the spear:
A thorny crown transpierc’d thy sacred brow,
While bloody sweats from ev’ry member flow.
For me in tortures thou resignd’st thy breath,
Embrac’d me on the cross, and sav’d me by thy death.
And can these sufferings fail my heart to move?
What but thyself can now deserve my love?
Such as then was, and is, thy love to me,
Such is, and shall be still, my love to thee –
To thee, Redeemer! mercy’s sacred spring!
My God, my Father, Maker, and my King!
A few random poems:
- Craigieburn Wood by Robert Burns
- Afternoon Rain in State Street poem – Amy Lowell poems | Poems and Poetry
- Before They Were Mothers by Sappho
- A Royal Home-Coming poem – Alfred Austin
- Владимир Маяковский – Эй, товарищ! Поищи дома (Главполитпросвет №95)
- Ballad of the Goodly Fere poem – Ezra Pound poems
- Head of a Smiling Young Woman in Three-Quarter View by Raj Arumugam
- Огюст Барбье – Сегодня я в пути
- Robert Burns: Why, Why Tell The Lover: Fragment,
- Геннадий Айги – Два эпилога
- Composition by Peter Cooley
- On Recollection by Phillis Wheatley
- Blue flower by Tanisha Avarsekar
- Алексей Жемчужников – Письмо к юноше о ничтожности
- Curtis by Susan King Saunders
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- The Day Of Wrath / Dies Iræ poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- The Confederate Flags poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- The Bride poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- T.A.H. poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Presentiment poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Polyphemus poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Politics poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- On The Wedding Of The Aeronaut poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Montefiore poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Matter For Gratitude poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Matter For Gratitude poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Invocation poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- In Defense poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Geotheos poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Elixer Vitæ poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Elixer Vitæ poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Egotist poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- In Defense poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Creation poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
- Convalescent poem – Ambrose Bierce poems | Poems and Poetry
More external links (open in a new tab):
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Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works