in a hall where curtains crush the last sunrays,
they wait in semi-silent stupor–
hundreds, facing a white bright screen;
kindred, as they share a dream.
no-one notices me; the screen sparkles to life
and the story begins, spouting from my eye
through a magic ray slicing the night–
image quickens and becomes life.
i regurgitate film and fool their senses,
throwing up carefully crafted scenes of life;
of people and places and slices of happiness,
humour and song with chestheaving sighs.
shut your eyes, you’ll know what i mean;
the darkness mothers your every dream.
there’s hero and villain and ravishing bride,
and love in the midst of punishing pride!
so leave them with their popcorn and tears;
they’re safe in their ignorance.
when they know light, when they know me,
it’s time for deliverance.