Брайан Уоллер Проктер (Bryan Waller Procter)

* * *

  Here's a health to thee, Mary*.

Пью за здравие Мери,
Милой Мери моей.
Тихо запер я двери
И один без гостей
Пью за здравие Мери.

Можно краше быть Мери,
Краше Мери моей,
Этой маленькой пери;
Но нельзя быть милей
Резвой, ласковой Мери.

Будь же счастлива, Мери,
Солнце жизни моей!
Ни тоски, ни потери,
Ни ненастливых дней
Пусть не ведает Мери.

Перевод А.С. Пушкина

*Твое здоровье, Мери. (англ.)

Оригинал или первоисточник на английском языке


      Here’s a health to thee, Jessy


Here's a health to thee, Mary,
Here's a health to thee;
The drinkers are gone,
And I am alone,
To think of home and thee, Mary.

There are some who may shine o'er thee, Mary,
And many as frank and free,
And a few as fair,
But the summer air
Is not more sweet to me, Mary.

I have thought of thy last low sigh, Mary,
And thy dimm'd and gentle eye;
And I've called on thy name
When the night winds came,
And heard my heart reply, Mary.

Be thou but true to me, Mary,
And I'll be true to thee;
And at set of sun,
When my task is done,
Вe sure that I'm ever with thee, Mary.


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