Гёте — Завет
(Философская лирика)
Кто жил, в ничто не обратится!
Повсюду вечность шевелится.
Причастный бытию блажен!
Оно извечно; и законы
Хранят, тверды и благосклонны,
Залоги дивных перемен.
Издревле правда нам открылась,
В сердцах высоких утвердилась:
Старинной правды не забудь!
Воздай, хваленья, земнородный,
Тому, кто звездам кругоходный
Торжественно наметил путь.
Теперь — всмотрись в родные недра!
Откроешь в них источник щедрый,
Залог второго бытия.
В душевную вчитайся повесть,
Поймешь, взыскательная совесть —
Светило нравственного дня.
Тогда доверься чувствам, ведай!
Обманы сменятся победой,
Коль разум бодростью дарит.
Пусть свежий мир вкушают взоры,
Пусть легкий шаг пройдет просторы,
В которых жизнь росой горит.
Но трезво приступайте к чуду!
Да указует разум всюду,
Где жизнь благотворит живых.
В ничто прошедшее не канет,
Грядущее досрочно манит,
И вечностью заполнен миг.
Когда ж, на гребне дня земного,
Дознаньем чувств постигнешь слово:
«Лишь плодотворное цени!» —
Не уставай пытливым оком
Следить за зиждущим потоком,
К земным избранникам примкни.
Как создает, толпе незримый,
Своею волей мир родимый
И созерцатель и поэт,
Так ты, причастный благодатям,
Высокий дар доверишь братьям.
А лучшей доли смертным — нет.
Goethe — Vermächtnis
Kein Wesen kann zu nichts zerfallen!
Das Ewge regt sich fort in allen,
Am Sein erhalte dich beglückt!
Das Sein ist ewig: denn Gesetze
Bewahren die lebendgen Schätze,
Aus welchen sich das All geschmückt.
Das Wahre war schon längst gefunden,
Hat edle Geisterschaft verbunden;
Das alte Wahre, faß es an!
Verdank es, Erdensohn, dem Weisen,
Der ihr, die Sonne zu umkreisen,
Und dem Geschwister wies die Bahn,
Sofort nun wende dich nach innen:
Das Zentrum findest du da drinnen,
Woran kein Edler zweifeln mag.
Wirst keine Regel da vermissen:
Denn das selbständige Gewissen
Ist Sonne deinem Sittentag.
Den Sinnen hast du dann zu trauen,
Kein Falsches lassen sie dich schauen,
Wenn dein Verstand dich wach erhält.
Mit frischem Blick bemerke freudig
Und wandle sicher wie geschmeidig,
Durch Auen reichbegabter Welt.
Genieße mäßig Füll und Segen;
Vernunft sei überall zugegen,
Wo Leben sich des Lebens freut.
Dann ist Vergangenheit beständig,
Das Künftige voraus lebendige
Der Augenblick ist Ewigkeit.
Und war es endlich dir gelungen,
Und bist du vom Gefühl durchdrungen:
Was fruchtbar ist, allein ist wahr –
Du prüfst das allgemeine Walten,
Es wird nach seiner Weise schalten,
Geselle dich zur kleinsten Schar.
Und wie von alters her, im stillen,
Ein Liebewerk nach eignem Willen
Der Philosoph, der Dichter schuf,
So wirst du schönste Gunst erzielen:
Denn edlen Seelen vorzufühlen
Ist wünschenswertester Beruf.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A Legacy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
No living atom comes at last to naught!
Active in each is still the eternal Thought:
Hold fast to Being if thou wouldst be blest.
Being is without end; for changeless laws
Bind that from which the All its glory draws
Of living treasures endlessly possessed.
Unto the wise of old this truth was known,
Such wisdom knit their noble souls in one;
Then hold thou still the lore of ancient days!
To that high power thou ow’st it, son of man,
By whose decree the earth its circuit ran
And all the planets went their various ways.
Then inward turn at once thy searching eyes;
Thence shalt thou see the central truth arise
From which no lofty soul goes e’er astray;
There shalt thou miss no needful guiding sign-
For conscience lives, and still its light divine
Shall be the sun of all thy moral day.
Next shalt thou trust thy senses’ evidence,
And fear from them no treacherous offence
While the mind’s watchful eye thy road commands:
With lively pleasure contemplate the scene
And roam securely, teachable, serene,
At will throughout a world of fruitful lands.
Enjoy in moderation all life gives:
Where it rejoices in each thing that lives
Let reason be thy guide and make thee see.
Then shall the distant past be present still,
The future, ere it comes, thy vision fill-
Each single moment touch eternity.
Then at the last shalt thou achieve thy quest,
And in one final, firm conviction rest:
What bears for thee true fruit alone is true.
Prove all things, watch the movement of the world
As down the various ways its tribes are whirled;
Take thou thy stand among the chosen few.
Thus hath it been of old; in solitude
The artist shaped what thing to him seemed good,
The wise man hearkened to his own soul’s voice.
Thus also shalt thou find thy greatest bliss;
To lead where the elect shall follow-this
And this alone is worth a hero’s choice.
ЗАВЕЩАНИЕ — ГЁТЕ, буквальный перевод на русский
Ни одно существо не может обратиться в ничто,
Вечность продолжает свое движение во всех,
Сохрани счастье бытия!
Бытие вечно, ибо законы
Охраняют живые сокровища,
Которыми украшается Вселенная.
Истина уже издавна обнаружилась,
Соединила благородных духом,
Древняя истина, ухватись за нее.
Возблагодари, сын Земли, Мудрого,
Который [назначил] ей обращаться вокруг Солнца
И брату[1] [ее?] указал путь.
Тотчас же обрати взгляд внутрь себя,
Там внутри ты обретешь центр,
В котором ни один благородный человек не усомнится.
Там не ощутишь отсутствия ни одного из правил,
Ибо независимая совесть —
Солнце твоего нравственного дня.
Чувствам только тогда следует доверять,
Ничего ложного они тебе не представят,
Когда твой разум заставляет тебя бодрствовать.
Свежим взглядом заметь радостно,
И шествуй, уверенно, равно как и мягко,
По лугам богато одаренного мира.
Наслаждайся в меру изобилием и счастьем,
Пусть разум присутствует везде,
Где жизнь радуется жизни.
Тогда прошедшее неизменно,
Будущее заранее существует,
Мгновение становится вечностью.
И если тебе это наконец удалось,
И ты проникся ощущением:
Только то истинно, что плодотворно;
Ты испытаешь [на себе] действие всеобщих сил,
Которые распоряжаются [всем] по-своему,
Присоединяйся к меньшинству.
И, как издревле, в уединении,
Дело любви, своею волей,
Философ, поэт творил;
Так ты достигнешь наивысшей милости;
Ибо чувство единения с благородными душами
Есть наиболее желательное призвание.
A review of the Vermächtnis in English
Legacy (Goethe) – Vermächtnis (Goethe)
Legacy is the title of a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe that he wrote in 1829. Since the volumes of poetry in the first-hand edition were completed two years ago, he placed it in volume 22 at the end of the second part of his novel Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre , with which it is internally connected.
The late work , written in Goethe’s 80th year of life, is regarded as a poetic testament, [1] in which he presented the sum of his knowledge and experiences and finally arranged many motifs from his older work. [2]
The work emerged from Goethe’s contradiction to a previous poem. Eckermann wrote on February 12, 1829 that Goethe was annoyed that the last two lines of the poem Eins und Alles, written in 1821, were exhibited in golden letters on the occasion of a congress of Berlin natural scientists : “Because everything has to disintegrate into nothing if it wants to persist in being . ” [3]
He was not bothered by the older poem itself, but by the striking emphasis and absolutization of the ending, which could have been interpreted Mephistophelically : [4] “I am the spirit that always denies! / And rightly so; because everything that arises / is worth it to perish; … ” [5]
Heraclitus, in the figure of Michelangelo , detailed view from Raphael’s The School of Athens (1510–1511), fresco in the Stanza della Segnatura , Vatican
While One and All sings about the eternal flow of things in Heraclitus’ tone and extols the power of change in the sense of the Hegelian dialectic , Goethe now wants to look for the constant. [6] In the first verse, he contradicts with antithetical reference (as a negation of negation ) to the earlier work: “No being can disintegrate into nothing!”. [7]
In the last edition he placed the classical poem duration in alternation , written as early as 1803 , [8] in which the Panta rhei Heraclitus is also addressed, immediately before one and all . A series of beautiful images of transience pass by, rain of blossoms, fruits and love, threatened by storm and rain , age and time – but in the end, in keeping with the classic ideal, the muse promises constancy and reason inner freedom.
So it is not just a mere contradiction in the legacy : Goethe presents a different, more advanced perspective and world view and also took up thoughts of Immanuel Kant . If the wish to persist in the earlier poem led to decay, the essence of beings can now be preserved through all change.
The first stanza reads: [9]
No being can disintegrate into nothing!
Ew’ge moves forward in everyone,
Keep yourself happy in being!
Being is eternal; for laws
keep the living treasures
from which the universe is adorned.
First, Goethe addresses the eternity of being, the truth and the Copernican laws of the solar system and, in the further course of the poem, connects them with the conscience , feeling and social responsibility of the individual who has to turn inward.
Meaning and interpretation
Immanuel Kant
Since Goethe was far from Kant’s systematic unconditionality, he formulated no categorical imperatives, but recommendations for life of good behavior. [10]
According to Friedrich Dieckmann , he wanted to protect being from nothingness and thus oppose the faint-heartedness, disgruntlement and social resignation that showed themselves to him after the Napoleonic Wars . He lacked strength and courage. He told Eckermann that the weak was “a characteristic of our century. I have the hypothesis that in Germany it is a consequence of the effort to get rid of the French ”. The Germans would be helped if they were taught “following the example of the English, less philosophy and more energy, less theory and more practice.” [11]
Eckhard Heftrich observes that the introspection and the talk of an independent conscience, which follow the view of the solar system, initially seem like a poetic design by Kant. For him, however, it remains questionable whether the “center” corresponds to the categorical imperative . Goethe accepted philosophy, but he was a poet according to his own will, trusted the senses and made the true dependent on the fertile . The insights as a poet in moments of Cairo therefore remain secrets that are unique to the wisereveal. Despite numerous parallels to other writings, Goethe’s poetic quintessence is neither an idea nor a thought poem. For him, the magic lies in the rhythm of the lines, which unobtrusively only serves to convey the message. [12]
For Erich Trunz , the contradiction to the Heraclitic poem is only an apparent one. While Goethe deals with the dissolution of the individual there, the legacy is about the whole, in which the individual remains in a changed form. A feeling of happiness fills him when he looks at the general and recognizes the connections of the cosmos. [13]The idea that nature manages its treasures and lets them work can also be found in his scientific writings. It is the task of man to research the laws of nature. The fact that the truth “had long been found” is for Trunz an allusion to Copernicus , who was also part of a spiritual tradition, as it was Aristarchus of Samos who, 1800 years earlier, had expressed the heliocentric worldview without having been recognized. After man has recognized the natural law of heaven, he discovers in himself the moral law of conscience. It is precisely here that Kant’s influence with his sentence from the Critique of Practical Reason isto recognize: “Two things fill the mind with ever newer and increasing admiration and awe … The starry sky above me, and the moral law in me.” [14]
Secondary literature
Friedrich Dieckmann : Imperatives of the fulfilled moment. In: Interpretations, poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Reclam, Ed. Bernd Witte, Stuttgart 2005, pp. 282–306
Gero von Wilpert : Legacy. In: ders .: Goethe-Lexikon (= Kröner’s pocket edition . Volume 407). Kröner, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-520-40701-9 , p. 1112.
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legacy, vermächtnis, завет, завещание, Гёте, Goethe, covenant, testament, gebot
