English Poetry. Thomas Moore. From “Irish Melodies”. 118. Oh! Arranmore, Loved Arranmore. Томас Мур. Из цикла «Ирландские мелодии». 118. «Я помню время, Арранмор…»

Thomas Moore (Томас Мур) From “Irish Melodies”. 118. Oh! Arranmore, Loved Arranmore Oh! Arranmore, loved Arranmore, How oft I dream of thee, And of those days when, by thy shore, I wandered young and free. Full many a path I’ve tried, since then, Thro’ pleasure’s flowery maze, But […]

English Poetry. Thomas Moore. From “Irish Melodies”. 110. Sing, Sweet Harp. Томас Мур. Из цикла «Ирландские мелодии». 110. «Пускай мне Арфа пропоёт…»

Thomas Moore (Томас Мур) From “Irish Melodies”. 110. Sing, Sweet Harp Sing, sweet Harp, oh sing to me Some song of ancient days, Whose sounds, in this sad memory, Long buried dreams shall raise; – Some lay that tells of vanished fame, Whose light once round us shone; […]

English Poetry. Clinton Scollard. Desmond. Клинтон Сколлард.

Clinton Scollard (Клинтон Сколлард) Desmond By the “Church of the Name” lies Desmond, The body of Desmond lies, And the wind of the east cries “Desmond,” And “Desmond” the west wind cries. And the wind of the south calls “Desmond,” And “Desmond” the north wind calls, As […]

English Poetry. Clinton Scollard. Tyrconnell. Клинтон Сколлард.

Clinton Scollard (Клинтон Сколлард) Tyrconnell They crowned Tyrconnell On the rock of Doon; “Hail! hail!” they said, To that anointed head, The henchman all; They led him to the hall; “Hail! hail! Tyrconnell!” How the rafters rang! Clang! clang! How the blades out-sprang, Like shimmering lake-water underneath the […]

English Poetry. Clinton Scollard. The Spectral Rowers. Клинтон Сколлард.

Clinton Scollard (Клинтон Сколлард) The Spectral Rowers What is that shimmering line of white Gliding under the stark midnight– Gliding–gliding–gliding–gliding– Where the river gleams when the moon is bright? There is never a sound save the night bird’s cry, And the languid water lapsing by– Lapsing–lapsing–lapsing–lapsing– Under […]

English Poetry. Abraham Cowley. Beauty. Абрахам Каули.

Abraham Cowley (Абрахам Каули) Beauty LIBERAL Nature did dispence To all things Arms for their defence; And some she arms with sin’ewy force, And some with swiftness in the course; Some with hard Hoofs, or forked claws, And some with Horns, or tusked jaws. And some with Scales, […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Autumn Sadness. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Autumn Sadness Air and sky are swathed in gold Fold on fold, Light glows through the trees like wine. Earth, sun-quickened, swoons for bliss ‘Neath his kiss, Breathless in a trance divine. Nature pauses from her task, Just to bask In these lull’d […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Sunrise. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Sunrise September 26, 1881. Weep for the martyr! Strew his bier With the last roses of the year; Shadow the land with sables; knell The harsh-tongued, melancholy bell; Beat the dull muffled drum, and flaunt The drooping banner; let the chant Of the […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. August Moon. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) August Moon Look! the round-cheeked moon floats high, In the glowing August sky, Quenching all her neighbor stars, Save the steady flame of Mars. White as silver shines the sea, Far-off sails like phantoms be, Gliding o’er that lake of light, Vanishing in nether […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Magnetism. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Magnetism By the impulse of my will, By the red flame in my blood, By me nerves’ electric thrill, By the passion of my mood, My concentrated desire, My undying, desperate love, I ignore Fate, I defy her, Iron-hearted Death I move. When the […]

English Poetry. Katharine Tynan. Speeding. Кэтрин Тайнен.

Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) Speeding To Ivo Alan Charteris, October 17th, 1915 Requiescat is not my bidding, That is the weary man’s right speeding; You, O Child, full of life and laughter, Joy to you now and long days hereafter! Light of foot, ever running and […]