English Poetry. Thomas Moore. From “Irish Melodies”. 34. The Irish Peasant to his Mistress. Томас Мур. Из цикла «Ирландские мелодии». 34. Ирландский крестьянин – своей жене

Thomas Moore (Томас Мур) From “Irish Melodies”. 34. The Irish Peasant to his Mistress Thro grief and thro danger thy smile hath cheered my way, Till hope seemed to bud from each thorn that round me lay; The darker our fortune, the brighter our pure love burned, Till […]

English Poetry. Thomas Moore. From “Irish Melodies”. 8. Oh, Think Not My Spirits Are Always as Light. Томас Мур. Из цикла «Ирландские мелодии». 8. «Не верь, дорогая, в весёлость мою!»

Thomas Moore (Томас Мур) From “Irish Melodies”. 8. Oh, Think Not My Spirits Are Always as Light Oh! think not my spirits are always as light, And as free from a pang as they seem to you now; Nor expect that the heart-beaming smile of to-night Will return […]

English Poetry. William Watson. World-Strangeness. Уильям Уотсон.

William Watson (Уильям Уотсон) World-Strangeness Strange the world about me lies, Never yet familiar grown— Still disturbs me with surprise, Haunts me like a face half known. In this house with starry dome, Floored with gemlike plains and seas, Shall I never feel at home, Never wholly […]

English Poetry. William Watson. Autumn. Уильям Уотсон.

William Watson (Уильям Уотсон) Autumn Thou burden of all songs the earth hath sung, Thou retrospect in Time’s reverted eyes, Thou metaphor of everything that dies, That dies ill-starred, or dies beloved and young And therefore blest and wise,— O be less beautiful, or be less brief, Thou […]