English Poetry. Edith Wharton. A Vision. Эдит Уортон.

Edith Wharton (Эдит Уортон) A Vision On the wide shores of melody I strayed One amber dawn when from the waves arose The form of one white-vested, girdled close, Who lightly lifted up her radiant head, So that her bosom’s tranquil curve displayed A necklet where, in alternating […]

English Poetry. Edith Wharton. Faun’s Song. Эдит Уортон.

Edith Wharton (Эдит Уортон) Faun’s Song How golden-clear the sunlight shines Through the long stretch of river-reeds. The water whirls in splintering lines As round the knotted thorn it speeds, Then lapses to a tranquil pool, Where water-spiders spin and sleep, And yellow flower-de-luces cool Their roots in […]

English Poetry. Helen Gray Cone. To Sleep. Хелен Грей Коун.

Helen Gray Cone (Хелен Грей Коун) To Sleep All slumb’rous images that be, combined, To this white couch and cool shall woo thee, Sleep! First will I think on fields of grasses deep In gray-green flower, o’er which the transient wind Runs like a smile; and next will […]

English Poetry. William Shakespeare. Bridal Song. Уильям Шекспир.

William Shakespeare (Уильям Шекспир) Bridal Song ROSES, their sharp spines being gone, Not royal in their smells alone, But in their hue; Maiden pinks, of odour faint, Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint, And sweet thyme true; Primrose, firstborn child of Ver; Merry springtime’s harbinger, With her bells […]

English Poetry. Archibald Lampman. September. Арчибальд Лемпман.

Archibald Lampman (Арчибальд Лемпман) September Now hath the summer reached her golden close, And, lost amid her corn-fields, bright of soul, Scarcely perceives from her divine repose How near, how swift, the inevitable goal: Still, still, she smiles, though from her careless feet The bounty and the fruitful […]