English Poetry. Henry Newbolt. O Pulchritudo. Генри Ньюболт.

Henry Newbolt (Генри Ньюболт) O Pulchritudo O Saint whose thousand shrines our feet have trod And our eyes loved thy lamp’s eternal beam, Dim earthly radiance of the Unknown God, Hope of the darkness, light of them that dream, Far off, far off and faint, O glimmer on […]

English Poetry. Henry Newbolt. Sráhmandázi. Генри Ньюболт.

Henry Newbolt (Генри Ньюболт) Sráhmandázi Deep embowered beside the forest river, Where the flame of sunset only falls, Lapped in silence lies the House of Dying, House of them to whom the twilight calls. There within when day was near to ending, By her lord a woman […]

English Poetry. Henry Newbolt. The Nile. Генри Ньюболт.

Henry Newbolt (Генри Ньюболт) The Nile Out of the unknown South, Through the dark lands of drouth, Far wanders ancient Nile in slumber gliding: Clear-mirrored in his dream The deeds that haunt his stream Flash out and fade like stars in midnight sliding. Long since, before the life […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. New-Year’s Eve. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) New-Year’s Eve Good old days—dear old days When my heart beat high and bold— When the things of earth seemed full of life, And the future a haze of gold! Oh, merry was I that winter night, And gleeful our little one’s din, And […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. “Guess”. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) “Guess” There is a certain Yankee phrase I always have revered, Yet, somehow, in these modern days, It’s almost disappeared; It was the usage years ago, But nowadays it’s got To be regarded coarse and low To answer: “I guess not!” The height […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. Contentment. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) Contentment Happy the man that, when his day is done, Lies down to sleep with nothing of regret— The battle he has fought may not be won— The fame he sought be just as fleeting yet; Folding at last his hands upon his breast, […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. Jennie. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) Jennie Some men affect a liking For the prim in face and mind, And some prefer the striking And the loud in womankind; Wee Madge is wooed of many, And buxom Kate, as well, And Jennie—charming Jennie— Ah, Jennie doesn’t tell! What eyes […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. Ed. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) Ed Ed was a man that played for keeps, ‘nd when he tuk the notion, You cudn’t stop him any more’n a dam ‘ud stop the ocean; For when he tackled to a thing ‘nd sot his mind plum to it, You bet yer […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. Abu Midjan. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) Abu Midjan When Father Time swings round his scythe, Intomb me ‘neath the bounteous vine, So that its juices, red and blithe, May cheer these thirsty bones of mine. “Elsewise with tears and bated breath Should I survey the life to be. But […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. Sister’s Cake. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) Sister’s Cake I’d not complain of Sister Jane, for she was good and kind, Combining with rare comeliness distinctive gifts of mind; Nay, I’ll admit it were most fit that, worn by social cares, She’d crave a change from parlor life to that below […]

English Poetry. Ebenezer Jones. Rain. Эбенизер Джонс.

Ebenezer Jones (Эбенизер Джонс) Rain More than the wind, more than the snow, More than the sunshine, I love rain; Whether it droppeth soft and low, Whether it rusheth amain. Dark as the night it spreadeth its wings, Slow and silently up on the hills; Then sweeps […]