English Poetry. Clinton Scollard. Abbeydorney. Клинтон Сколлард.

Clinton Scollard (Клинтон Сколлард) Abbeydorney Abbeydorney, Abbeydorney, Long ago thy race was run, Prone thou art ‘mid thickets thorny, Shrine of Kyrie Eleison! Scarcely now a wild rose petal The neglected cloister owns, And the flaunting dock and nettle Wave above the chancel stones. Once through […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Song. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Song Venus. Frosty lies the winter-landscape, In the twilight golden-green. Down the Park’s deserted alleys, Naked elms stand stark and lean. Dumb the murmur of the fountain, Birds have flown from lawn and hill. But while yonder star’s ascendant, Love triumphal reigneth […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Fog. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Fog Light silken curtain, colorless and soft, Dreamlike before me floating! what abides Behind thy pearly veil’s Opaque, mysterious woof? Where sleek red kine, and dappled, crunch day-long Thick, luscious blades and purple clover-heads, Nigh me I still can mark Cool fields of […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Mater Amabilis. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Mater Amabilis Down the goldenest of streams, Tide of dreams, The fair cradled man-child drifts; Sways with cadenced motion slow, To and fro, As the mother-foot poised lightly, falls and lifts. He, the firstling,–he, the light Of her sight,– He, the breathing pledge […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Don Rafael. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Don Rafael “I would not have,” he said, “Tears, nor the black pall, nor the wormy grave, Grief’s hideous panoply I would not have Round me when I am dead. “Music and flowers and light, And choric dances to guitar and flute, Be […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Sic Semper Liberatoribus!. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Sic Semper Liberatoribus! March 13, 1881. As one who feels the breathless nightmare grip His heart-strings, and through visioned horrors fares, Now on a thin-ledged chasm’s rock-crumbling lip, Now on a tottering pinnacle that dare The front of heaven, while always unawares Weird […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Agamemnon’s Tomb. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Agamemnon’s Tomb Uplift the ponderous, golden mask of death, And let the sun shine on him as it did How many thousand years agone! Beneath This worm-defying, uncorrupted lid, Behold the young, heroic face, round-eyed, Of one who in his full-flowered manhood died; Of […]

English Poetry. Katharine Tynan. Vigil. Кэтрин Тайнен.

Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) Vigil At night, when all the house is still, Wide-waked the chairs and tables come And yawn and stretch their limbs until The maids appear with pan and broom. Through the dim hours they creak and groan, Their laughter plays with tyrant Man, […]

English Poetry. Katharine Tynan. New Heaven. Кэтрин Тайнен.

Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) New Heaven Paradise now has many a Knight, Many a lordkin, many lords, Glimmer of armor, dinted and bright, The young Knights have put on new swords. Some have barely down on the lip, Smiling yet from the new-won spurs, Their wounds are […]