English Poetry. John Gay. Elegiac Epistle to a Friend; Written under a Dejection of Spirits. Джон Гей. Элегическое послание другу, написанное в угнетённом состоянии духа

John Gay (Джон Гей) Elegiac Epistle to a Friend; Written under a Dejection of Spirits Friend of my youth, shedd’st thou the pitying tear O’er the sad relics of my happier days? Of nature tender, as of soul sincere, Pour’st thou for me the melancholy […]

English Poetry. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The Bed. Элла Уилкокс.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) The Bed A harsh and homely monosyllable, Abrupt and musicless, and at its best An inartistic object to the eye, Yet in this brief and troubled life of man How full of majesty the part it plays! It is the cradle which receives […]

English Poetry. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Beauty Making. Элла Уилкокс.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) Beauty Making Methinks there is no greater work in life Than making beauty. Can the mind conceive One little corner in celestial realms Unbeautiful, or dull or commonplace? Or picture ugly angels, illy clad? Beauty and splendour, opulence and joy, Are attributes of […]

English Poetry. John Gay. Fable. Джон Гей. Басня

John Gay (Джон Гей) Fable A Milk-white Swan, in Aesop’s time, Had got the knack of making rhyme; All other birds he did excel; Wrote verses, – yes, – and wrote them well: Praised was his genius, and his parts – All wondered […]

English Poetry. Bliss Carman. Trees. Блисс Кармен.

Bliss Carman (Блисс Кармен) Trees In the Garden of Eden, planted by God, There were goodly trees in the springing sod,— Trees of beauty and height and grace, To stand in splendor before His face. Apple and hickory, ash and pear, Oak and beech and the […]

English Poetry. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The Bed. Элла Уилкокс.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) The Bed A harsh and homely monosyllable, Abrupt and musicless, and at its best An inartistic object to the eye, Yet in this brief and troubled life of man How full of majesty the part it plays! It is the cradle which receives […]

English Poetry. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Beauty Making. Элла Уилкокс.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) Beauty Making Methinks there is no greater work in life Than making beauty. Can the mind conceive One little corner in celestial realms Unbeautiful, or dull or commonplace? Or picture ugly angels, illy clad? Beauty and splendour, opulence and joy, Are attributes of […]