English Poetry. John Gay. Fable. Джон Гей. Басня

John Gay (Джон Гей) Fable A Milk-white Swan, in Aesop’s time, Had got the knack of making rhyme; All other birds he did excel; Wrote verses, – yes, – and wrote them well: Praised was his genius, and his parts – All wondered […]

English Poetry. Bliss Carman. Trees. Блисс Кармен.

Bliss Carman (Блисс Кармен) Trees In the Garden of Eden, planted by God, There were goodly trees in the springing sod,— Trees of beauty and height and grace, To stand in splendor before His face. Apple and hickory, ash and pear, Oak and beech and the […]

English Poetry. John Bannister Tabb. Jack-o’-Lantern. Джон Банистер Табб.

John Bannister Tabb (Джон Банистер Табб) Jack-o’-Lantern “Jack-o’-Lantern, Jack-o’-Lantern, Tell me where you hide by day?” “In the cradle where the vapours Dream the sunlit hours away.” “Jack-o’-Lantern, Jack-o’-Lantern, Who rekindles you at night?” “Any firefly in the meadow Lends a Jack-o’-Lantern light.” John Bannister Tabb’s other […]

English Poetry. Francis Thompson. Daisy. Фрэнсис Томпсон.

Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон) Daisy Where the thistle lifts a purple crown Six foot out of the turf, And the harebell shakes on the windy hill— O the breath of the distant surf!— The hills look over on the South, And southward dreams the sea; And, with […]

English Poetry. Emma Lazarus. Arabesque. Эмма Лазарус.

Emma Lazarus (Эмма Лазарус) Arabesque On a background of pale gold I would trace with quaint design, Penciled fine, Brilliant-colored, Moorish scenes, Mosques and crescents, pages, queens, Line on line, That the prose-world of to-day Might the gorgeous Past’s array Once behold. On the magic painted shield […]