English Poetry. Edward Thomas. Cock-Crow. Эдвард Томас.

Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) Cock-Crow OUT of the wood of thoughts that grows by night To be cut down by the sharp ax of light,– Out of the night, two cocks together crow, Cleaving the darkness with a silver blow: And brought before my eyes twin trumpeters stand, […]

English Poetry. John Gay. Prediction. Джон Гей. Гадание

John Gay (Джон Гей) Prediction Dame Doleful, as old stories say, Foresaw th’events of every day, And tho’ to Satan no relation, Dealt largely in prognostication: Whatever accident befel, She plainly could the cause foretell; A hundred reasons she could show, […]

English Poetry. William Shenstone. Comparison. Уильям Шенстон.

William Shenstone (Уильям Шенстон) Comparison ‘Tis by comparison we know On every object to bestow Its proper share of praise Did each alike perfection bear, What beauty, though divinely fair, Could admiration raise? Amidst the lucid bands of night, See! Hesperus, serenely bright, Adorns the distant skies: […]

English Poetry. Edward Thomas. Liberty. Эдвард Томас.

Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) Liberty The last light has gone out of the world, except This moonlight lying on the grass like frost Beyond the brink of the tall elm’s shadow. It is as if everything else had slept Many an age, unforgotten and lost - The men […]

English Poetry. Joseph Warton. On Shooting. Джозеф Уортон.

Joseph Warton (Джозеф Уортон) On Shooting Nymphs of the forests, that young oaks protect From noxious blasts, and the blue thunder’s dart, O how securely might ye dwell In Britain’s peaceful shades Far from grim wolves, or tiger’s midnight roar, Or crimson-crested serpent’s hungry hiss, But that our […]

English Poetry. Joseph Warton. To Solitude. Джозеф Уортон.

Joseph Warton (Джозеф Уортон) To Solitude Thou, that at deep dead of night Walk’st forth beneath the pale moon’s light, In robe of flowing black array’d, While cypress-leaves thy brows o’ershade; List’ning to the crowing cock, And the distant-sounding clock; Or sitting in thy cavern low, Do’st hear […]

English Poetry. Katharine Tynan. The Heroes. Кэтрин Тайнен.

Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) The Heroes By such strange and wonderful ways God would save His world again. All our days are holy days, Starry heroes all our men. There’s naught common or unclean In this splendid new-made earth: Hearts uplifted, eyes serene, Grief goes gayer now […]

English Poetry. Katharine Tynan. Any Mother. Кэтрин Тайнен.

Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) Any Mother ‘What’s the news? Now tell it me.’ ‘Allenby again advances.’ ‘No, it is not Allenby But my boy, straight as a lance is. ‘Oh, my boy it is that runs, Hurls his young and slender body On the dread death-dealing guns. […]

English Poetry. Edward Thomas. Two Pewits. Эдвард Томас.

Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) Two Pewits Under the after-sunset sky Two pewits sport and cry, More white than is the moon on high Riding the dark surge silently; More black than earth. Their cry Is the one sound under the sky. They alone move, now low, now high, […]

English Poetry. Katharine Tynan. The Crown. Кэтрин Тайнен.

Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) The Crown She had twelve stars for diadem; She had for footstool the full moon; Her quiet eyes, outshining them, Kept memories of the night and noon And the still moms at Nazareth When in her arms the Child drew breath. So safe, […]

English Poetry. Edward Thomas. The Brook. Эдвард Томас.

Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) The Brook Seated once by a brook, watching a child Chiefly that paddled, I was thus beguiled. Mellow the blackbird sang and sharp the thrush Not far off in oak and hazel brush, Unseen. There was a scent like honeycomb From mugwort dull. And […]