English Poetry. Edward Thomas. Fifty Faggots. Эдвард Томас.

Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) Fifty Faggots There they stand, on their ends, the fifty fag gots That once were underwood of hazel and ash In Jenny Pink’s copse. Now, by the hedge Close packed, they make a thicket fancy alone Can creep through with the mouse and wren. […]

English Poetry. Edward Thomas. Fifty Faggots. Эдвард Томас.

Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) Fifty Faggots There they stand, on their ends, the fifty fag gots That once were underwood of hazel and ash In Jenny Pink’s copse. Now, by the hedge Close packed, they make a thicket fancy alone Can creep through with the mouse and wren. […]