English Poetry. Isaac Rosenberg. Zion. Айзек Розенберг.

Isaac Rosenberg (Айзек Розенберг) Zion She stood-a hill-ensceptred Queen, The glory streaming from her ; While Heaven flashed her rays between, And shed eternal summer. The gates of morning opened wide On sunny dome and steeple; Noon gleamed upon the mountain-side ‘Thronged with a happy people ; […]

English Poetry. Helen Gray Cone. Triumph. Хелен Грей Коун.

Helen Gray Cone (Хелен Грей Коун) Triumph This windy sunlit morning after rain, The wet bright laurel laughs with beckoning gleam In the blown wood, whence breaks the wild white stream Rushing and flashing, glorying in its gain; Nor swerves nor parts, but with a swift disdain O’erleaps […]

English Poetry. Helen Gray Cone. A Mystery. Хелен Грей Коун.

Helen Gray Cone (Хелен Грей Коун) A Mystery That sunless day no living shadow swept Across the hills, fleet shadow chasing light, Twin of the sailing cloud: but, mists wool white, Slow-stealing mists, on those heaved shoulders crept, And wrought about the strong hills while they slept In […]

English Poetry. Helen Gray Cone. Retrospect. Хелен Грей Коун.

Helen Gray Cone (Хелен Грей Коун) Retrospect “Backward,” he said, “dear heart I like to look To those half-spring, half-winter days, when first We drew together, ere the leaf-buds burst. Sunbeams were silver yet, keen gusts yet shook The boughs. Have you remembered that kind book, That for […]

English Poetry. Isaac Rosenberg. God. Айзек Розенберг.

Isaac Rosenberg (Айзек Розенберг) God In his malodorous brain what slugs and mire, Lanthorned in his oblique eyes, guttering burned! His body lodged a rat where men nursed souls. The world flashed grape-green eyes of a foiled cat To him. On fragments of an old shrunk power, On […]

English Poetry. Archibald Lampman. Snowbirds. Арчибальд Лемпман.

Archibald Lampman (Арчибальд Лемпман) Snowbirds Along the narrow sandy height I watch them swiftly come and go, Or round the leafless wood, Like flurries of wind-driven snow, Revolving in perpetual flight, A changing multitude. Nearer and nearer still they sway, And, scattering in a circled sweep, Rush […]

English Poetry. Abraham Cowley. The Wish. Абрахам Каули.

Abraham Cowley (Абрахам Каули) The Wish WELL then! I now do plainly see This busy world and I shall ne’er agree. The very honey of all earthly joy Does of all meats the soonest cloy; And they, methinks, deserve my pity Who for it can endure the stings, […]