English Poetry. Henry Newbolt. On Spion Kop. Генри Ньюболт.

Henry Newbolt (Генри Ньюболт) On Spion Kop Foremost of all on battle’s fiery steep Here VERTUE fell, and here he sleeps his sleep.* A fairer name no Roman ever gave To stand sole monument on Valour’s grave. * Major N. H. Vertue, of the Buffs, Brigade-Major to […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. A Paraphrase. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) A Paraphrase Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, in Heaven the same; Give us this day our daily bread, and may our debts to heaven— As we our earthly debts forgive—by […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. The Wind. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) The Wind (THE TALE) Cometh the Wind from the garden, fragrant and full of sweet singing— Under my tree where I sit cometh the Wind to confession. “Out in the garden abides the Queen of the beautiful Roses— Her do I love […]

English Poetry. Eugene Field. A Valentine. Юджин Филд.

Eugene Field (Юджин Филд) A Valentine Your gran’ma, in her youth, was quite As blithe a little maid as you. And, though her hair is snowy white, Her eyes still have their maiden blue, And on her cheeks, as fair as thine, Methinks a girlish blush would glow […]