English Poetry. Mark Akenside. Hymn to Science. Марк Эйкенсайд.

Mark Akenside (Марк Эйкенсайд) Hymn to Science Science! thou fair effusive ray From the great source of mental day, Free, generous, and refin’d! Descend with all thy treasures fraught, Illumine each bewilder’d thought, And bless my lab’ring mind. But first with thy resistless light, Disperse those phantoms […]

English Poetry. Francis Thompson. Lines. Фрэнсис Томпсон.

Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон) Lines To W.M. O tree of many branches! One thou hast Thou barest not, but grafted’st on thee. Now, Should all men’s thunders break on thee, and leave Thee reft of bough and blossom, that one branch Shall cling to thee, my Father, […]

English Poetry. Alice Meynell. Surmise. Элис Мейнелл.

Alice Meynell (Элис Мейнелл) Surmise THE TRACK OF A HUMAN MOOD Not wish, nor fear, nor quite expectancy Is that vague spirit Surmise, That wanderer, that wonderer, whom we see Within each other’s eyes; And yet not often. For she flits away, Fitful as infant thought, […]

English Poetry. Alice Meynell. The English Metres. Элис Мейнелл.

Alice Meynell (Элис Мейнелл) The English Metres The rooted liberty of flowers in breeze Is theirs, by national luck impulsive, terse, Tethered, uncaptured, rules obeyed “at ease,” Time-strengthened laws of verse. Or they are like our seasons that admit Inflexion, not infraction: Autumn hoar, Winter more tender […]

English Poetry. Alice Meynell. To Silence. Элис Мейнелл.

Alice Meynell (Элис Мейнелл) To Silence “SPACE, THE BOUND OF A SOLID”: SILENCE, THEN, THE FORM OF A MELODY Silence, for thine idleness I raise My silence-bounded singing in thy praise, But for thy moulding of my Mozart’s tune, Thy hold upon the bird that sings the […]

English Poetry. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Belief. Элла Уилкокс.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) Belief The pain we have to suffer seems so broad, Set side-by-side with this life’s narrow span, We need no greater evidence that God Has some diviner destiny for man. He would not deem it worth His while to send Such crushing […]

English Poetry. Stephen Duck. Gratitude. Стивен Дак.

Stephen Duck (Стивен Дак) Gratitude A PASTORAL. MENALCAS, COLIN. MENALCAS. FRiend COLIN! well o’ertook. I have of late Observ’d thy chearful Mien, and airy Gait: Say, what auspicious Change, since t’other Day, When by thy lonely Cot I took my Way? Sorrow and Sadness then […]

English Poetry. Mark Akenside. Hymn to Science. Марк Эйкенсайд.

Mark Akenside (Марк Эйкенсайд) Hymn to Science Science! thou fair effusive ray From the great source of mental day, Free, generous, and refin’d! Descend with all thy treasures fraught, Illumine each bewilder’d thought, And bless my lab’ring mind. But first with thy resistless light, Disperse those phantoms […]