English Poetry. Rose Terry Cooke. Bird Music. Роуз Терри Кук.

Rose Terry Cooke (Роуз Терри Кук) Bird Music Singer of priceless melody, Underguerdoned chorister of air, Who from the lithe top of the tree Pourest at will thy music rare, As if a sudden brook laughed down the hill-side there. The purple-blossomed fields of grass, Waved sea-like […]

English Poetry. Rose Terry Cooke. A Complaint. Роуз Терри Кук.

Rose Terry Cooke (Роуз Терри Кук) A Complaint A hot noon filled the Autumn sky So still, the pines forgot to sigh, But breathed out odors graciously Along the slumbering air: Sweet scents of harvest-gathered grain, And heavy fruit that wasps profane, With dead leaves drying on the […]

English Poetry. Rose Terry Cooke. Prayer. Роуз Терри Кук.

Rose Terry Cooke (Роуз Терри Кук) Prayer Oh, Love divine, ineffable! Help the weak heart that strays from thee! And battling with the hosts of hell, Doubts or despairs of victory: For Thou hast died upon the tree, Thine anguish poured in bloody sweat, And can thy yearning […]

English Poetry. Rose Terry Cooke. The River. Роуз Терри Кук.

Rose Terry Cooke (Роуз Терри Кук) The River The river flows and flows away, A lonely stream through forests gray, No rippled rapids o’er it play; Forever and forever. As silent as a winter’s night, With purple heavens all alight, And planets shining strangely bright; So quiet is […]

English Poetry. Rose Terry Cooke. Nemesis. Роуз Терри Кук.

Rose Terry Cooke (Роуз Терри Кук) Nemesis With eager steps I go Across the valleys low, Where in deep brakes the writhing serpents hiss. Above, below, around, I hear the dreadful sound Of thy calm breath, eternal Nemesis! Over the mountains high, Where silent snow-drifts lie, And […]

English Poetry. Rose Terry Cooke. Daisies. Роуз Терри Кук.

Rose Terry Cooke (Роуз Терри Кук) Daisies Fair and peaceful daisies, Smiling in the grass, Who hath sung your praises? Poets by you pass, And I alone am left to celebrate your mass. In the summer morning, Through the fields ye shine, Joyfully adorning Earth with grace […]

English Poetry. John Oldham. A Dithyrambic. Джон Олдем.

John Oldham (Джон Олдем) A Dithyrambic A DRUNKARD’S SPEECH IN A MASK. 1 ‘Ονκ ἐστἱ Διθύραμζος ῧν ῦδωρ πίνη. I YES, you are mighty wise, I warrant, mighty wise! With all your godly tricks and artifice, Who think to chouse me of my dear and […]