English Poetry. John Oldham. Promising a Visit. Джон Олдем.

John Oldham (Джон Олдем) Promising a Visit SOONER may art, and easier far, divide The soft embracing waters of the tide, Which with united friendship still rejoin, Than part my eyes, my arms, or lips from thine: Sooner it may time’s headlong motion force, In which it marches […]

English Poetry. Francis Thompson. The Child-Woman. Фрэнсис Томпсон.

Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон) The Child-Woman O thou most dear! Who art thy sex’s complex harmony God-set more facilely; To thee may love draw near Without one blame or fear, Unchidden save by his humility: Thou Perseus’ Shield! wherein I view secure The mirrored Woman’s fateful-fair allure! Whom […]

English Poetry. Francis Thompson. The Mirage. Фрэнсис Томпсон.

Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон) The Mirage As an Arab journeyeth Through a sand of Ayaman, Lean Thirst, lolling its cracked tongue, Lagging by his side along; And a rusty-wingèd Death Grating its low flight before, Casting ribbèd shadows o’er The blank desert, blank and tan: He lifts by […]

English Poetry. Francis Thompson. The Omen. Фрэнсис Томпсон.

Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон) The Omen Yet is there more, whereat none guesseth, love! Upon the ending of my deadly night (Whereof thou hast not the surmise, and slight Is all that any mortal knows thereof), Thou wert to me that earnest of day’s light, When, like the […]

English Poetry. Francis Thompson. A Child’s Kiss. Фрэнсис Томпсон.

Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон) A Child’s Kiss Where its umbrage1 was enrooted, Sat, white-suited, Sat, green-amiced and bare-footed, Spring, amid her minstrelsy; There she sat amid her ladies, Where the shade is Sheen as Enna mead ere Hades’ Gloom fell thwart Persephone. Dewy buds were interstrown Through her […]

English Poetry. Abraham Cowley. A Supplication. Абрахам Каули.

Abraham Cowley (Абрахам Каули) A Supplication Awake, awake, my Lyre! And tell thy silent master’s humble tale In sounds that may prevail; Sounds that gentle thoughts inspire: Though so exalted she And I so lowly be Tell her, such different notes make all thy harmony. Hark, how […]

English Poetry. John Dyer. The English Fog. Джон Дайер.

John Dyer (Джон Дайер) The English Fog How erring oft the judgment in its hate Or fond desire! Those slow-descending showers, Those hovering fogs, that bathe our growing vales In deep November (loathed by trifling Gaul, Effeminate), are gifts the Pleiads shed, Britannia’s handmaids. As the beverage falls, […]

English Poetry. John Dyer. Bedford Level. Джон Дайер.

John Dyer (Джон Дайер) Bedford Level Yet much may be performed, to check the force Of nature’s rigour: the high heath, by trees Warm-sheltered, may despise the rage of storms: Moors, bogs, and weeping fens, may learn to smile, And leave in dykes their soon-forgotten tears. Labour and […]

English Poetry. Bliss Carman. Morning in the Hills. Блисс Кармен.

Bliss Carman (Блисс Кармен) Morning in the Hills How quiet is the morning in the hills! The stealthy shadows of the summer clouds Trail through the cañon, and the mountain stream Sounds his sonorous music far below In the deep-wooded wind-enchanted cove. Hemlock and aspen, chestnut, beech, […]

English Poetry. Bliss Carman. The Gift. Блисс Кармен.

Bliss Carman (Блисс Кармен) The Gift I said to Life, “How comes it, With all this wealth in store, Of beauty, joy, and knowledge, Thy cry is still for more? “Count all the years of striving To make thy burden less,— The things designed and fashioned To […]