Algernon Charles Swinburne (Алджернон Чарльз Суинбёрн)

Birth and Death

Birth and death, twin-sister and twin-brother,
Night and day, on all things that draw breath,
Reign, while time keeps friends with one another
Birth and death.

Each brow-bound with flowers diverse of wreath,
Heaven they hail as father, earth as mother,
Faithful found above them and beneath.

Smiles may lighten tears, and tears may smother
Smiles, for all that joy or sorrow saith:
Joy nor sorrow knows not from each other
Birth and death. 

Algernon Charles Swinburne’s other poems:

  1. Plus Ultra
  2. The Litany of Nations
  3. On the Downs
  4. The Bloody Sun
  5. Madona Mia

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