Andrew Barton Paterson (Эндрю Бартон Патерсон)

A Bunch of Roses

Roses ruddy and roses white, 
What are the joys that my heart discloses? 
Sitting alone in the fading light 
Memories come to me here tonight 
With the wonderful scent of the big red roses. 
Memories come as the daylight fades 
Down on the hearth where the firelight dozes; 
Flicker and flutter the lights and shades, 
And I see the face of a queen of maids 
Whose memory comes with the scent of roses. 

Visions arise of a scent of mirth, 
And a ball-room belle who superbly poses -- 
A queenly woman of queenly worth, 
And I am the happiest man on earth 
With a single flower from a bunch of roses. 

Only her memory lives tonight -- 
God in his wisdom her young life closes; 
Over her grave may the turf be light, 
Cover her coffin with roses white 
She was always fond of the big white roses. 


Such are the visions that fade away -- 
Man proposes and God disposes; 
Look in the glass and I see today 
Only an old man, worn and grey, 
Bending his head to a bunch of roses.

Andrew Barton Paterson’s other poems:

  1. In the Stable
  2. How The Favourite Beat Us
  3. The Rule of the A.J.C.
  4. The Road to Hogan’s Gap
  5. On the Trek

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • John Tabb (Джон Табб) A Bunch of Roses (“The rosy mouth and rosy toe”)


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