Andrew Barton Paterson (Эндрю Бартон Патерсон)

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The Premier and the Socialist 
Were walking through the State: 
They wept to see the Savings Bank 
Such funds accumulate. 
”If these were only cleared away,” 
They said, ”it would be great.” 
”If three financial amateurs 
Controlled them for a year, 
Do you suppose,” the Premier said, 
”That they would get them clear?” 
”I think so,” said the Socialist; 
”They would -- or very near!” 

”If we should try to raise some cash 
On assets of our own, 
Do you suppose,” the Premier said, 
”That we could float a loan?” 
”I doubt it,” said the Socialist, 
And groaned a doleful groan. 

”Oh, Savings, come and walk with us!” 
The Premier did entreat; 
”A little walk, a little talk, 
Away from Barrack Street; 
My Socialistic friend will guide 
Your inexperienced feet.” 

”We do not think,” the Savings said, 
”A socialistic crank, 
Although he chance just now to hold 
A legislative rank, 
Can teach experienced Banking men 
The way to run a Bank.” 

The Premier and the Socialist 
They passed an Act or so 
To take the little Savings out 
And let them have a blow. 
”We’ll teach the Banks,” the Premier said, 
”The way to run the show. 

”There’s Tom Waddell -- in Bank finance 
Can show them what is what. 
I used to prove not long ago 
His Estimates were rot. 
But that -- like many other things -- 
I’ve recently forgot. 

”Advances on a dried-out farm 
Are what we chiefly need, 
And loaned to friends of Ms.L.A. 
Are very good, indeed, 
See how the back-block Cockatoos 
Are rolling up to feed.” 

”But not on us,” the Savings cried, 
Falling a little flat, 
”We didn’t think a man like you 
Would do a thing like that; 
For most of us are very small, 
And none of us are fat.” 

”This haughty tone,” the Premier said, 
”Is not the proper line; 
Before I’d be dictated to 
My billet I’d resign!” 
”How brightly,” said the Socialist, 
”Those little sovereigns shine.” 

The Premier and the Socialist 
They had their bit of fun; 
They tried to call the Savings back 
But answer came there none, 
Because the back-block Cockatoos 
Had eaten every one.

Andrew Barton Paterson’s other poems:

  1. The Rule of the A.J.C.
  2. The Road to Hogan’s Gap
  3. The Rum Parade
  4. In the Stable
  5. The Protest


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