Andrew Barton Paterson (Эндрю Бартон Патерсон)

The Rhyme of the O’Sullivan

Pro Bono Publico 
Went out the streets to scan, 
And marching to and fro 
He met a seedy man, 
Who did a tale unfold 
In solemn tones and slow 
And this is what he told 
Pro Bono Publico. 

”For many years I led 
The people’s onward march; 
I was the ’Fountain Head’, 
The ’Democratic Arch’. 

”In more than regal state 
I used to sit and smile, 
And bridges I’d donate, 
And railways by the mile. 

”I pawned the country off 
For many million quid, 
And spent it like a toff -- 
So hel me, Bob, I did. 

”But now those times are gone, 
The wind blows cold and keen; 
I sit and think upon 
The thing that I have been. 

”And if a country town 
Its obligation shirks, 
I press for money down 
To pay for water works. 

”A million pounds or two 
Was naught at all to me -- 
And now I have to sue 
For paltry Ј s d! 

”Alas, that such a fate 
Should come to such a man, 
Who once was called the Great -- 
The great O’Sullivan!” 

With weary steps and slow, 
With tears of sympathy 
Pro Bono Publico 
Went sadly home to tea. 

Remarking, as he went, 
With sad and mournful brow, 
”The cash that party spent -- 
I wish I had it now!”

Andrew Barton Paterson’s other poems:

  1. The Rule of the A.J.C.
  2. The Road to Hogan’s Gap
  3. The Rum Parade
  4. In the Stable
  5. The Travelling Post Office


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