Anne Bradstreet (Анна Брэдстрит)

For the Restoration of My Dear Husband from a Burning Ague, June, 1661

When feares and sorrowes me besett,
Then did'st thou rid me out;
When heart did faint and spirits quail,
Thou comforts me about.
Thou rais'st him vp I feard to loose,
Regau'st me him again:
Distempers thou didst chase away;
With strenght didst him sustain.
My thankfull heart, with Pen record
The Goodnes of thy God;
Let thy obedience testefye
He taught thee by his rod.
And with his staffe did thee support,
That thou by both may'st learn;
And 'twixt the good and evill way,
At last, thou mig'st discern.
Praises to him who hath not left
My Soul as destitute;
Nor turnd his ear away from me,
But graunted hath my Suit.

Anne Bradstreet’s other poems:

  1. In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth
  2. My Thankfull Heart with Glorying Tongue
  3. To Her Father with Some Verses
  4. To My Dear Children
  5. Meditations Divine and Moral

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