Anne Hunter (Энн Хантер)

Song 6. IN airy dreams fond fancy flies

IN airy dreams fond fancy flies,
My absent love to see,
And with the early dawn I rise,
Dear youth, to think of thee.

How swiftly flew the rosy hours,
When hope and love were new;
Sweet was the time, as op'ning flowers,
But, ah! 'twas transient too.
The moments now move slowly on,
Until thy wish'd return;
I count them, pensive and alone,
As in the shades I mourn.
Return, return, my love, and charm
Each anxious care to rest;
Thy voice shall every doubt disarm,
And sooth my troubled breast.

Anne Hunter’s other poems:

  1. To the Memory of a Lovely Infant, Written Seven Years after His Death
  2. The Farewell
  3. William and Nancy
  4. Laura
  5. Song 2. FAR from this throbbing bosom haste

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