Anne Hunter (Энн Хантер)


TIME may ambition's nest destroy,
Though on a rock 'tis perch'd so high,
May find dull av'rice in his cave,
And drag to light the sordid slave;
But from affection's temper'd chain
To free the heart he strives in vain.
The sculptur'd urn, the marble bust,
By time are crumbled with the dust;
But tender thoughts the muse has twin'd
For love, for friendship's brow design'd,
Shall still endure, shall still delight,
Till time is lost in endless night.

Anne Hunter’s other poems:

  1. To the Memory of a Lovely Infant, Written Seven Years after His Death
  2. William and Nancy
  3. Laura
  4. Song 2. FAR from this throbbing bosom haste
  5. Song 6. IN airy dreams fond fancy flies

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) Time (“Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years”)
  • Jones Very (Джонс Вери) Time (“There is no moment but whose flight doth bring”)

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