Arthur Guiterman (Артур Гитерман)


The three-toed tree-toad
Sings his sweet ode
To the moon;
The funny bunny
And his honey
Trip in tune.
The gentle cricket
From his thicket
Lifts his croon;
A love-lorn owlet
Of his fowlet
Begs a boon.
Across the water
To her daughter
Calls the loon;
A happy froglet
From his boglet
Chants his rune.
The yellow hound-dog
And the brown dog
Bay the 'coon;
The chipmunk dozes
Where the rose's
Leaves are strewn;
All through the night-time
Till the bright time
Comes, too soon,
The three-toed tree-toad
Sings his sweet ode
To the moon.

Arthur Guiterman’s other poems:

  1. Pershing at the Front
  2. The Great Tyrannosaurus
  3. Hills
  4. The Chip on the Shoulder
  5. On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Madison Cawein (Мэдисон Кавейн) Nocturne (“A disc of violet blue”)
  • Emily Johnson (Эмили Джонсон) Nocturne (“Night of Mid-June, in heavy vapours dying”)
  • Countee Cullen (Каунти Каллен) Nocturne (“Tell me all things false are true”)

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