Arthur William Symons (Артур Саймонс (Симонс))

As A Perfume

As a perfume doth remain
In the folds where it hath lain,
So the thought of you, remaining
Deeply folded in my brain,
Will not leave me: all things leave me:
You remain.

Other thoughts may come and go,
Other moments I may know
That shall waft me, in their going,
As a breath blown to and fro,
Fragrant memories: fragrant memories
Come and go.

Only thoughts of you remain
In my heart where they have lain,
Perfumed thoughts of you, remaining,
A hid sweetness, in my brain.
Others leave me: all things leave me:
You remain. 

Arthur William Symons’s other poems:

  1. Margery Of The Fens
  2. Serata Di Fiesta
  3. At Toledo
  4. Variations Upon Love
  5. In The Temple

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