Arthur William Symons (Артур Саймонс (Симонс))

The Loom of Dreams

I broider the world upon a loom,
I broider with dreams my tapestry;
Here in a little lonely room
I am master of earth and sea,
And the planets come to me.

I broider my life into the frame,
I broider my love, thread upon thread;
The world goes by with its glory and shame,
Crowns are bartered and blood is shed;
I sit and broider my dreams instead.

And the only world is the world of my dreams,
And my weaving the only happiness;
For what is the world but what it seems?
And who knows but that God, beyond our guess,
Sits weaving worlds out of loneliness? 

Arthur William Symons’s other poems:

  1. Margery Of The Fens
  2. Serata Di Fiesta
  3. At Toledo
  4. Variations Upon Love
  5. To a Grey Dress

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