Charlotte Turner Smith (Шарлотта Смит)
A Walk in the Shrubbery
To the Cistus or Rock Rose, a beautiful plant, whose flowers expand, and fall off twice in twenty-four hours.THE Florists, who have fondly watch'd, Some curious bulb from hour to hour, And, to ideal charms attach'd, Derive their glory from a flower; Or they, who lose in crouded rooms, Spring's tepid suns and balmy air, And value Flora's fairest blooms, But in proportion as they're rare; Feel not the pensive pleasures known To him, who, thro' the morning mist, Explores the bowery shrubs new blown, A moralizing Botanist. He marks, with colours how profuse Some are design'd to please the eye; While beauty some combine with use, In admirable harmony. The fruit buds, shadow'd red and white, Amid young leaves of April hue; Convey sensations of delight, And promise fruits autumnal too: And, while the Thrush his home and food, Hails, as the flowering thorns unfold, And from its trunk of ebon wood, Rears Cytisus its floating gold; The Lilac, whose tall head discloses Groups of such bright empurpled shade, And snow-globes form'd of elfin roses, Seem for exclusive beauty made: Such too art thou; when light anew Above the eastern hill is seen, Thy buds, as fearful of the dew, Still wear their sheltering veil of green. But in the next more genial hour Thy tender rose-shaped cups unfold, And soon appears the perfect flower, With ruby spots and threads of gold. That short and fleeting hour gone by, And even the slightest breath of air, Scarce heard among thy leaves to sigh, Or little bird that flutters there; Shakes off thy petals thin and frail, And soon, like half-congealing snow, The sport of every wandering gale, They strew the humid turf below. Yet tho' thy gauzy bells fall fast, Long ere appears the evening crescent; Another bloom succeeds the last, As lovely and as evanescent. Not so the poet's favourite Rose, She blooms beyond a second day, And even some later beauty shews Some charm still lingering in decay. Thus those, who thro' life's path have pass'd, A path how seldom strewn with flowers ! May have met Friendships formed to last Beyond the noonday's golden hours. While quickly formed, dissolv'd as soon, Some warm attachments I have known Just flourish for an hour at noon, But leave no trace when overblown. Minds that form these, with ardent zeal Their new connexions fondly cherish, And for a moment keenly feel Affection, doomed as soon to perish; Incapable of Friendship long, Awake to every new impression, Old friends, becoming ci-devant ! Are still replaced by a Succession.
Charlotte Turner Smith’s other poems:
- Sonnet 61. ILL-Omen’d Bird! Whose Cries Portentous Float
- Sonnet 67. On Passing Over A Dreary Tract
- Sonnet 45. On Leaving A Part Of Sussex
- Sonnet 42. Composed During a Walk
- Occasional Address