Christina Georgina Rossetti (Кристина Джорджина Россетти)


Frost-locked all the winter,
Seeds, and roots, and stones of fruits,
What shall make their sap ascend
That they may put forth shoots?
Tips of tender green,
Leaf, or blade, or sheath;
Telling of the hidden life
That breaks forth underneath,
Life nursed in its grave by Death.

Blows the thaw-wind pleasantly,
Drips the soaking rain,
By fits looks down the waking sun:
Young grass springs on the plain;
Young leaves clothe early hedgerow trees;
Seeds, and roots, and stones of fruits,
Swollen with sap put forth their shoots;
Curled-headed ferns sprout in the lane;
Birds sing and pair again.

There is no time like Spring,
When life's alive in everything,
Before new nestlings sing,
Before cleft swallows speed their journey back
Along the trackless track -
God guides their wing,
He spreads their table that they nothing lack, -
Before the daisy grows a common flower
Before the sun has power
To scorch the world up in his noontide hour.

There is no time like Spring,
Like Spring that passes by;
There is no life like Spring-life born to die, -
Piercing the sod,
Clothing the uncouth clod,
Hatched in the nest,
Fledged on the windy bough,
Strong on the wing:
There is no time like Spring that passes by,
Now newly born, and now
Hastening to die. 

Christina Georgina Rossetti’s other poems:

  1. A Testimony
  2. Twice
  3. The Convent Threshold
  4. Repining
  5. What Does The Donkey Bray About?

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Alfred Tennyson (Альфред Теннисон) Spring (“Birds’ love and birds’ song”)
  • Samuel Johnson (Сэмюэл Джонсон) Spring (“Stern Winter now, by Spring repress’d”)
  • Gerard Hopkins (Джерард Хопкинс) Spring (“Nothing is so beautiful as spring”)
  • William Morris (Уильям Моррис) Spring (“Spring am I, too soft of heart”)
  • Isaac Rosenberg (Айзек Розенберг) Spring (“I walk and wonder”)
  • Andrew Lang (Эндрю Лэнг) Spring (“Now the bright crocus flames, and now”)
  • Robert Anderson (Роберт Андерсон) Spring (“The snow’s dissolv’d, the chilly winter’s fled”)
  • Francis Ledwidge (Фрэнсис Ледвидж) Spring (“Once more the lark with song and speed”)
  • Thomas Nashe (Томас Нэш) Spring (“Spring, the sweet Spring, is the year’s pleasant king”)
  • Janet Hamilton (Джанет Гамильтон) Spring (“Fairy Spring, in kirtle green”)
  • Alfred Douglas (Альфред Дуглас) Spring (“Wake up again, sad heart, wake up again!”)
  • William Campbell (Уильям Кэмпбелл) Spring (“There dwells a spirit in the budding year”)
  • Edna Millay (Эдна Миллей) Spring (“To what purpose, April, do you return again?”)
  • James Percival (Джеймс Персиваль) Spring (“AGAIN the infant flowers of Spring”)
  • Henry Timrod (Генри Тимрод) Spring (“Spring, with that nameless pathos in the air”)
  • John Lapraik (Джон Лапрейк) Spring (“THOU goddess of the blooming Spring”)

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