Duncan Campbell Scott (Дункан Кэмпбелл Скотт)

A Little Song

The sunset in the rosy west
  Burned soft and high;
A shore-lark fell like a stone to his nest
  In the waving rye.

A wind came over the garden beds
  From the dreamy lawn,
The pansies nodded their purple heads,
  The poppies began to yawn.

One pansy said: It is only sleep,
  Only his gentle breath:
But a rose lay strewn in a snowy heap,
  For the rose it was only death.

Heigho, we’ve only one life to live,
  And only one death to die:
Good-morrow, new world, have you nothing to give?--
  Good-bye, old world, good-bye.

Duncan Campbell Scott’s other poems:

  1. The Voice and the Dusk
  2. Rapids at Night
  3. The Sea by the Wood
  4. At William Maclennan’s Grave
  5. In the Country Churchyard

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Amy Lowell (Эми Лоуэлл) A Little Song (“When you, my Dear, are away, away”)

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