Dylan Thomas (Дилан Томас)

O Make Me a Mask

O make me a mask and a wall to shut from your spies
Of the sharp, enamelled eyes and the spectacled claws
Rape and rebellion in the nurseries of my face,
Gag of dumbstruck tree to block from bare enemies
The bayonet tongue in this undefended prayerpiece,
The present mouth, and the sweetly blown trumpet of lies,
Shaped in old armour and oak the countenance of a dunce
To shield the glistening brain and blunt the examiners,
And a tear-stained widower grief drooped from the lashes
To veil belladonna and let the dry eyes perceive
Others betray the lamenting lies of their losses
By the curve of the nude mouth or the laugh up the sleeve.

Dylan Thomas’s other poems:

  1. The Seed-At-Zero
  2. On No Work of Words
  3. Ears in the Turrets Hear
  4. All That I Owe the Fellows of the Grave
  5. When, Like a Running Grave

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