Edith Wharton (Эдит Уортон)

Faun’s Song

How golden-clear the sunlight shines
Through the long stretch of river-reeds.
The water whirls in splintering lines
As round the knotted thorn it speeds,
Then lapses to a tranquil pool,
Where water-spiders spin and sleep,
And yellow flower-de-luces cool
Their roots in shadowy moisture deep.

How still it is, how warm and still!
The wood is full of myriad noises
From tiny insect-throats that fill
The noonday heat with quivering voices—
How sweet it is to lie and dream,
Deep, deep, in stream-fed reeds and grass,
And see along the gliding stream
The gliding sunlight pause and pass!

Edith Wharton’s other poems:

  1. With the Tide
  2. Chartres
  3. Song (Come, for the leaf is alight)
  4. Mould and Vase
  5. A Failure

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