Edmund Clarence Stedman (Эдмунд Кларенс Стедман)

On White Carnations Given Me for My Birthday

Exquisite tufts of perfume and of light,
⁠⁠⁠	Fair gift of Summer unto Autumn borne,
Were but the years ye calendar as white,
⁠⁠⁠	As sweet, as you, Age could not be forlorn.

Yet, beauteous symbols of my only gain—
⁠⁠	⁠Love, portioned from your givers' envied share,
Honor, whose laurel at their feet hath lain—
⁠⁠⁠	Make me this night of Life's waste unaware! 

October 8, 1894

Edmund Clarence Stedman’s other poems:

  1. Sumter
  2. The Diamond Wedding
  3. The Lord’s-Day Gale
  4. Cousin Lucrece
  5. The Monument of Greeley


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