Edna St. Vincent Millay (Эдна Сент-Винсент Миллей)


Boys and girls that held her dear,
Do your weeping now;
All you loved of her lies here.

Brought to earth the arrogant brow,
And the withering tongue
Chastened; do your weeping now.

Sing whatever songs are sung,
Wind whatever wreath,
For a playmate perished young,

For a spirit spent in death.
Boys and girls that held her dear,
All you loved of her lies here.

Edna St. Vincent Millay’s other poems:

  1. Inland
  2. Exiled
  3. Two Sonnets in Memory
  4. When the Year Grows Old
  5. Not Even My Pride Shall Suffer Much

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • William Shakespeare (Уильям Шекспир) Dirge (“Come away, come away, death”)
  • Thomas Beddoes (Томас Беддоус) Dirge (“We do lie beneath the grass”)
  • Felicia Hemans (Фелиция Хеманз) Dirge (“CALM on the bosom of thy God”)
  • Adelaide Crapsey (Аделаида Крапси) Dirge (“NEVER the nightingale”)


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