Edna St. Vincent Millay (Эдна Сент-Винсент Миллей)

The Philosopher

And what are you that, wanting you,
I should be kept awake
As many nights as there are days
With weeping for your sake?

And what are you that, missing you,
As many days as crawl
I should be listening to the wind
And looking at the wall?

I know a man that’s a braver man
And twenty men as kind,
And what are you, that you should be
The one man in my mind?

Yet women’s ways are witless ways,
As any sage will tell,—
And what am I, that I should love
So wisely and so well?

Edna St. Vincent Millay’s other poems:

  1. Two Sonnets in Memory
  2. When the Year Grows Old
  3. Underground System
  4. Inland
  5. Exiled

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Emily Brontë (Эмили Бронте) The Philosopher (“Enough of thought, philosopher!”)
  • Edward Sill (Эдвард Силл) The Philosopher (“HIS wheel of logic whirled and spun all day”)


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