Eleanor Farjeon (Элинор Фарджон)

Bronwen of the Flowers

Bronwen gathered wild-flowers
Up-and-down the lane;
Her gathering touch upon them
Sweeter was than rain.

Now a blossom overblown,
Now a bud begun--
Her eye that lightened on them
Was quicker than the sun.

One by one she named them,
Oh, she did express
In her pretty namings
All their prettiness:

Some were fit for virgins,
Some for merry dames,
And the love with which she named them
Was lovelier than their names.

Eleanor Farjeon’s other poems:

  1. Sonnets. 7. When I see two delay their wings at heaven
  2. Sonnets. 12. I hear love answer: Since within the mesh
  3. Sonnets. 8. Wilt thou put seals on love because men say
  4. Sonnets. 3. Once, Love, be prodigal, nor look hereafter
  5. Sonnets. 2. O Spare Me from the Hand of Niggard Love

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