Eleanor Farjeon (Элинор Фарджон)

For Joan

I shall love no other child,
Joan, as I love you;
The second life our children build
Remains for you to do.

You would have been out-loved in one
That never will be born,
And the love that should my flower have grown
Grows nothing but my thorn.

You for that unborn other’s sake
My deepest heart do clutch,
But sometimes--sometimes all you take
Hurts, for her sake, too much.

Eleanor Farjeon’s other poems:

  1. Sonnets. 7. When I see two delay their wings at heaven
  2. Sonnets. 12. I hear love answer: Since within the mesh
  3. Sonnets. 8. Wilt thou put seals on love because men say
  4. Sonnets. 3. Once, Love, be prodigal, nor look hereafter
  5. Sonnets. 2. O Spare Me from the Hand of Niggard Love

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