Elinor Wylie (Элинор Уайли)

Bronze Trumpets and Sea Water – On Turning Latin into English

Alembics turn to stranger things
Strange things, but never while we live
Shall magic turn this bronze that sings
To singing water in a sieve.

The trumpets of Cæsar's guard
Salute his rigorous bastions
With ordered bruit; the bronze is hard
Though there is silver in the bronze.

Our mutable tongue is like the sea,
Curled wave and shattering thunder-fit;
Dangle in strings of sand shall he
Who smoothes the ripples out of it.

Elinor Wylie’s other poems:

  1. Poor Earth
  2. Quarrel
  3. The Fairy Goldsmith
  4. The Prinkin’ Leddie
  5. Prophecy

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