Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)
At the Boro Boedoer
Watching the dawn upon its turrets break (New beauties leaping to each ray of light), Methought I heard Christ calling (as one might Call to an older brother): "Buddha, wake! Come toil with me. From thy calm eyelids shake The dreams of ages; and behold the sight Of earth still sunk in ignorance and night. I took thy labor--now thy portion take. "Too vast the effort for one Avatar. My brave disciples are not overwise. Our kindred creeds they do not understand: My cross they worship, yet thy temples mar. Dear brother Buddha, from Nirvana rise, And let us work together, hand in hand." The Boro Boedoer is the largest and most beautiful ruin of a Buddhist temple in the world; it is situated in middle Java.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s other poems: