Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)

Coleur de Rose

I want more lives in which to love 
This world so full of beauty, 
I want more days to use the ways 
I know of doing duty; 
I ask no greater joy than this 
(So much I am life’s lover,) 
When I reach age to turn the page 
And read the story over, 
(Oh love stay near!)

Oh rapturous promise of the Spring! 
Oh June fulfilling after! 
If Autumns sigh, when Summers die, 
’Tis drowned in Winter’s laughter. 
Oh maiden dawns, oh wifely noons, 
Oh siren sweet, sweet nights, 
I’d want no heaven could earth be given 
Again with its delights, 
(If love stayed near!)

There are such glories for the eye, 
Such pleasures for the ear, 
The senses reel with all they feel 
And see and taste and hear; 
There are such ways of doing good, 
Such ways of being kind, 
And bread that’s cast on waters fast 
Comes home again, I find. 
(Oh love stay near.)

There are such royal souls to know, 
There is so much to learn, 
While secrets rest in Nature’s breast 
And unnamed stars still burn. 
God toiled six days to make this earth, 
I think the good folks say--- 
Six lives we need to give full meed 
Of praise---one for each day, 
(If love stay near.)

But oh! if love fled far away, 
Or veiled his face from me, 
One life too much, why then were such 
A life as this would be. 
With sullen May and blighted June 
Blurred dawn and haggard night, 
This dear old world in space were hurled 
If love lent not his light. 
(Oh love stay near.)

Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s other poems:

  1. The Phantom Ball
  2. The Giddy Girl
  3. The Awakening (I love the tropics, where sun and rain)
  4. The Bed
  5. The Plow of God


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