Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)
Come Back Clean
This is the song for a soldier To sing as he rides from home To the fields afar where the battles are Or over the ocean’s foam: ’Whatever the dangers waiting In the lands I have not seen, If I do not fall-if I come back at all, Then I will come back clean. ’I may lie in the mud of the trenches, I may reek with blood and mire, But I will control, by the God in my soul, The might of my man’s desire. I will fight my foe in the open, But my sword shall be sharp and keen For the foe within who would lure me to sin, And I will come back clean. ’I may not leave for my children Brave medals that I have worn, But the blood in my veins shall leave no stains On bride or on babes unborn; And the scars that my body may carry Shall not be from deeds obscene, For my will shall say to the beast, Obey! And I will come back clean. ’Oh, not on the fields of slaughter And not in the prison-cell, Or in hunger and cold is the story told By war, of its darkest hell. But the old, old sin of the senses Can tell what that word may mean To the soldiers’ wives and to innocent lives, And I will come back clean.’
Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s other poems: