Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)


How can I wait until you come to me? 
The once fleet mornings linger by the way; 
Their sunny smiles touched with malicious glee
At my unrest, they seem to pause, and play
Like truant children, while I sigh and say, 
How can I wait? 

How can I wait? Of old, the rapid hours
Refused to pause or loiter with me long; 
But now they idly fill their hands with flowers, 
And make no haste, but slowly stroll among
The summer blooms, not heeding my one song, 
How can I wait? 

How can I wait? The nights alone are kind; 
They reach forth to a future day, and bring
Sweet dreams of you to people all my mind; 
And time speeds by on light and airy wing.
I feast upon your face, I no more sing, 
How can I wait? 

How can I wait? The morning breaks the spell
A pitying night has flung upon my soul.
You are not near me, and I know full well
My heart has need of patience and control; 
Before we meet, hours, days, and weeks must roll, 
How can I wait? 

How can I wait? Oh, Love, how can I wait
Until the sunlight f your eyes shall shine
Upon my world that seems so desolate? 
Until your hand-clasp warms my blood like wine; 
Until you come again, oh, Love of mine, 
How can I wait?

Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s other poems:

  1. The Phantom Ball
  2. The Giddy Girl
  3. The Awakening (I love the tropics, where sun and rain)
  4. The Bed
  5. The Plow of God


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