Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)

Lines from «Maurine» (I’d rather have my verses win)

I’d rather have my verses win 
A place in common people’s hearts, 
Who, toiling through the strife and din 
Of life’s great thoroughfares, and marts, 

May read some line my hand has penned; 
Some simple verse, not fine, or grand, 
But what their hearts can understand 
And hold me henceforth as a friend,-- 

I’d rather win such quiet fame 
Than by some fine thought, bolished so 
But those of learned minds would know, 
Just what the meaning of my song,-- 
To have the critics sound my name 
In high-flown praises, loud and long. 

I sing not for the I’d rather have my verses win 
A place in common people’s hearts, 
Who, toiling through the strife and din 
Of life’s great thoroughfares, and marts, 

May read some line my hand has penned; 
Some simple verse, not fine, or grand, 
But what their hearts can understand 
And hold me henceforth as a friend,-- 

I’d rather win such quiet fame 
Than by some fine thought, bolished so 
But those of learned minds would know, 
Just what the meaning of my song,-- 
To have the critics sound my name 
In high-flown praises, loud and long. 

I sing not for the critic’s ear, 
But for the masses. If they hear 
Despite the turmoil, noise, and strife 
Some least low note that gladdens life, 
I shall be wholly satisfied, 
Though critics to the end deride. ear, 
But for the masses. If they hear 
Despite the turmoil, noise, and strife 
Some least low note that gladdens life, 
I shall be wholly satisfied, 
Though critics to the end deride.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s other poems:

  1. The Phantom Ball
  2. The Giddy Girl
  3. The Awakening (I love the tropics, where sun and rain)
  4. The Bed
  5. The Plow of God


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