Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)
The Khaki Boys Who Were Not at the Front
Oh! it is not just the men who face the guns, Not the fighters at the Front alone, to-day Who will bring the longed-for close to the bloody fray, for those Could not carry on that fray without the ones Who are working at war’s problems far away. You are all our splendid heroes in the strife, And we class you with the warriors maimed and scarred, Though you never have been near enough the battle din to hear, While you laboured in the dull routine of life In your khaki suits with sleeves that are not barred. You have offered up yourselves to save the world; You have felt the abnegation of the Christ: And whatever work you do is a noble work and true; Though it be not done with banners all unfurled, You will find it has, in sight of God, sufficed. While you carry back no medals when you go, Not without you had the fighters borne war’s brunt: So just lift your heads uncowed, for your country will be proud And its lasting love and honour will bestow On the khaki boys who were not at the Front.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s other poems: