Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)

The Pessimist

The pessimistic locust, last to leaf,
Though all the world is glad, still talks of grief.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s other poems:

  1. The Phantom Ball
  2. The Plow of God
  3. The Giddy Girl
  4. The Awakening (I love the tropics, where sun and rain)
  5. The Bed

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Madison Cawein (Мэдисон Кавейн) The Pessimist (“Here is a tale for uncles and old aunties”)
  • Pelham Wodehouse (Пелем Вудхаус) The Pessimist (“They tell me that the weather’s fair”)
  • Benjamin King (Бенджамин Кинг) The Pessimist (“Nоthing tо dо but wоrk”)

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