Emily Pauline Johnson (Эмили Полин Джонсон)

A Prodigal

    My heart forgot its God for love of you,
        And you forgot me, other loves to learn;
    Now through a wilderness of thorn and rue
        Back to my God I turn.

    And just because my God forgets the past,
        And in forgetting does not ask to know
    Why I once left His arms for yours, at last
        Back to my God I go.

Emily Pauline Johnson’s other poems:

  1. Golden – of the Selkirks
  2. Autumn’s Orchestra
  3. The Lifting of the Mist
  4. Wolverine
  5. When George Was King

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Elizabeth Bishop (Элизабет Бишоп) A Prodigal (“The brown enormous odor he lived by”)

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