Emily Pauline Johnson (Эмили Полин Джонсон)
Golden – of the Selkirks
A trail upwinds from Golden; It leads to a land God only knows, To the land of eternal frozen snows, That trail unknown and olden. And they tell a tale that is strange and wild - Of a lovely and lonely mountain child That went up the trail from Golden. A child in the sweet of her womanhood, Beautiful, tender, grave and good As the saints in time long olden. And the days count not, nor the weeks avail; For the child that went up the mountain trail Came never again to Golden. And the watchers wept in the midnight gloom, Where the canyons yawn and the Selkirks loom, For the love that they knew of olden. And April dawned, with its suns aflame, And the eagles wheeled and the vultures came And poised o'er the town of Golden. God of the white eternal peaks, Guard the dead while the vulture seeks! - God of the days so olden. For only God in His greatness knows Where the mountain holly above her grows, On the trail that leads from Golden.
Emily Pauline Johnson’s other poems: